Monarch Tagging

August 14, 2025 · 9:00 am to 11:00am

Join us for an exciting Monarch Tagging Event where you'll have the chance to catch, tag, and release these iconic butterflies! Learn the science behind monarch migration and why tagging is so important in understanding their journeys. Using insect nets, we'll safely capture these beautiful creatures, attach tiny tags, and send them on their way.

If you have an insect net you are welcome to bring it along. There will be a limited number of nets available for use. MCCD recommends close toed shoes, long pants, sunscreen, and a water bottle. Staff will provide brief instructions at 9AM in the classroom. We will then head outside and be available until 11AM for tagging. This is a free event. Please register at so we can gauge interest.

Contact Information

Cordova Park
1378 Highway G-28
Otley, IA
(641) 627-5935

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