posted on 5/6/24
G28 Asphalt Milling and Overlay
Notification of upcoming construction on G28 that will impact traffic for several weeks.
- Construction is tentatively scheduled to start on May 15th and will likely be a 6–8-week project weather pending.
- The project includes the entire G28 corridor from Hwy 14 to the Pella Corp. Limit east of T15.
- The project involves asphalt milling, base widening across Roberts Creek Dam (to shift the road centerline north), 3 lifts of asphalt overlay, granular shouldering, edgeline rumbles, center/edgeline paint, and guardrail removal/replacement.
- What to expect:
- Each phase will include one lane road with flaggers and pilot cars, progressing back and forth from west to east, and visa-versa.
- Construction will progress in 1–2-mile increments, so not all segments will be impacted simultaneously.
- Expect delays of 5-10 minutes at times, especially if you live in a subdivision, we will be staging each subdivision entrance ½ at a time with flagger to pave approaches.
- Dutchman’s Landing East residents should expect one of the entrances, Holland Dr. or Amsterdam Dr., to be closed in order to facilitate faster paving of the other entrance.
- Expect rough milled surfaces at the beginning of construction for 4-8 days.
- During most phases of milling and overlay expect uneven lanes and bumps.
- After milling the edge of the road will be higher than the through lanes.
- During lifts of overlay the lanes will be uneven at the centerline of the road
- Prior to/during shouldering there may be a drop-off at the edge of the pavement
- No pavement markings will be present once milling starts through final phases.
- Expect heavy truck traffic in the area even if construction progress is not immediately impacting your segment.
- Project Funding:
- $3,738,935 including:
- $2M from Miller-Meeks Community Project Funding
- ~$300,000 in HSIP (safety funds for guardrail)
- remaining $1.43M from Farm-to-Market.
Below is a link to the project Road Notification, you can subscribe here if you’d like to continue to get road notifications.
Again, please allow extra time, use caution and patience. This road was last overlayed in 2002 and we understand construction can be inconvenient, however, it is infrequent and will result in a sustainable ride quality and structural improvements.
Thank you, Tyler Christian, Marion County Engineer